Sunday, January 2, 2011

Fun Mobiles

In our class we got to make mobiles. I like mobiles so much because they are creative. The mobiles we did in are class was an art progect were we got to choose between two patterns. The patterns were a tree or a santa face. After we got our patterns we traced them on a material like felt or fun foam. we traced two sides of every piece of the pattern so we could put them back to back. After we had them all cut out we put decorations on the pieces to make them look more like what they are. So again I just like them because they are so creatve.

by Paige

Colonial Days

Colonial days was fun because we got to learn about what they wore and what they had to play with. My favorite part was when we made ice-cream and learn about how they made coats and jackets. My second favorite was making candles and humdingers. Colonial days was fun I want to do it again.

by Zack

Colonial Times

For social studies we are learning about the colinists. We had a fun time dressing like colinists for Colonial Days. Just a few days ago we were able to have a part and the ones closest to the king were able to pick things to tax , because Great britan was in debt. we learnd about the Boston Masare, and how the brittish killed 5 men. It has been fun laerning about the colinists.

by Rachelle