Thursday, December 16, 2010

Colonial Days = Awesome!

Colonial Days was Awesome! You got to make ice cream, candles, and even hummdingers! It was really fun and you could even dress up as a colonist. In one rotation we got to play really fun games like trying to loop a bull, or throw hoops or rings on milk cartons. Colonial Days was the best day ever! (In school)

by Stockton

"Give me liberty, or give me death"

In class we are learning about colonial times. Our main focus is the Revolutionary War. My favorite part about it is Paul Revere. He is famous for his line "The British are coming, the British are coming". He ran through the streets to tell everyone to be prepared to go to war. That is why I think Paul Revere is interesting.

by Nodnar91

Christmas in Australia

In 2007 me and my family went to Australia to see my grandparents. Of course it was around Christmas. When we got to Australia my grandparents picked us up and and we had to drive for an hour to get to my grandparents house. When we were there it was very hot because it was summer. We got to chop down our own Christmas tree. On Christmas day it was y we went swimming because it was about 114 dagrees . Over all Christmas was very fun.

by Jet

Do you want a job? Go to the North Pole!!!

We got to do a Christmas writing project about jobs in the North Pole. First we wrote out our paragraph in our writing notebooks and took it home for parent edit. After that we made a copy of that paper but in stead of doing it the same we got to color the letters the way we wanted them to look when we typed it out in the computer lab. Later we got a reindeer pattern to color. One thing was missing, a nose! We got to bring somthing to put were the nose goes. After we got everything colored, cut, and pasted we hung it up on the bulletin board outside of our classroom!

by J.R.

Christmas Break

I can't believe that Christmas is almost here!!! I'm so excited. Yet I think we should get the whole week before Christmas off. Well at least we get Christmas off at all. I can't wait until Christmas day we get a lot of toys.Just like they say It's the most wonderful time of the year.

by Joshua

Colonial Days

Colonial days was the best day of fifth grade. We had four different classes to go to. Our first rotation was in Mrs. Andrus's classroom and we made ice cream. Our second activity was in Mrs.Park and Mrs. Perry's classroom, where we made candles and a button toys! Then we went to Mrs. Crockett's classroom where we played colonial games. Like sack toss. Last we went to Ms. Smith's room and we made candle shades and butter! This was my favorite activity because it was a great learning experience and I have never made butter before.

by Gunnar

Monday, December 13, 2010

Colonial Days

At Colonial Days, we did a bunch of colonial activities. We played colonial games like: bean bag toss, ring toss, roll the hoop, a little crossbow game where we shot it into a box, we did bandana stories, and we did rope the bull. We also made icecream by rolling around big tin cans full of ice and salt, it was really good. We also made candles by dipping a wick in wax over and over again. We also made colonial toys called humdingers with a button and a string. We also made butter by shaking cream and salt in a jar. We tried our butter on crackers. We also made luminaries, which go around our candles. And that's what we did at Colonial Days.

by McKay

Colonial Day

On Dec. 8 the fifth grade did a day called Colonial Day. I thought Colonial Day was a very fun thing because we got to do things that the people from back in the day would do.We got to do Colonial Day bacaus we have been learning about the colonist. At Colonial Day we got to make candles,humdingers,butter and, ice cream. The ice cream and butter were my favorite part becuase we got to try them and if you made them right they were the best! So again I just thought it was fun because we got to a lot of fun things old fashioned.

by Paige

Thursday, December 2, 2010

3-D Art

In 3-D art we learn how to make art on just a plain piece of paper look 3-D. It is fun because at the end it actually looks really cool and real. I personly thing it would be cool to take 3-D art lessons and think it would be fun, too!!!! In 3-D art you can make all types of things like cans of spinich, alien flying saucers, golden rocks, and even 3-D tables. You can even put shading on the things that you draw.

by Sydney

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Wanted Writing Project

Wanted writing project is where you choose a job that you would have down in the north pole and make a poster about hiring someone for that job. First you need to think of the job. Then you will need to write the job description,qualifications, and work expirence so they will know what the job is like. Then at the bottom of the paper you need to write contact information so that they can contact you (not your real info). Also you can decorate the page!! Then when you are done writing and drawing you can draw a reindeer at the top of the decorated page and give him a 3D nose made of anything to finish it off!! This was a fun Wrting project and I hope I can do it again!!

by Tayler