Thursday, November 11, 2010


Hunting was way cold. The dogs water was frozen. The fun part about was four wheeling in a gravel pit my uncle went like 45 mph of jumps and stuff. We didn't shoot any thing. We saw 20 does.

by Gavin

Dancing Fleas

In fifth grade, we get to learn how to play the ukelele. A ukelele is a stringed instrument that was named after people in Hawaii. They decided to call it the “dancing flea” because of how it sounded when it was played. Some of the songs that we have learned so far are Charlie, Hush Little Baby, and The Wheels on the Bus. Our class goes to learn how to play the ukelele’s once a week. This is one of the four different activities that we do during the week. This is my favorite out of all four.

by nodnar91

P.E. PUMP Game

Pump is a game that you play in P.E. It is verry fun. So first someone stands in the middle of the gym, and everyone else stands against a wall. Then the people against the wall yell "PUMP PUMP PUMP IT UP! P-U-M-P PUMP IT UP!" Then the person in the middle says "Pump." Then everyone else runs and tries not to get touched. If one or more do get touched, then they freeze and try to touch everyone else. The winner is the last one who doesn't get touched.

by Stockton

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Fun Monster Stories

In our class we did monster stories. I like these monster stories because I like to make up characters and write about them. In our stories we had to describe our monster describing what they eat, what they do, and how they look. In our stories we also got to draw pictures throughout the stories and then color them.So I just liked them because we got to just make up things and just have fun writing all of it down!

by Paige

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Game Library

The Game Library is where you can come in at recess and play games. So far we've learned how to play Incan Gold, Zeus on the loose and a few others. Incan Gold is a game of thinking cause you choose to go in or out of the ancient Incan temple. You play for five turns and whoever has the most treasure at the end wins. Zeus on the loose is a game of adding and subtracting because Zeus is building Mount Olympus and you round and there are God Cards that minus, reverse and add numbers to Mount Olympus. Well that's all I have to say about our fun Game Library.

by McKay

What's the Best Halloween Project? Monster Stories!

One of my favorite Halloween projects was Monster Stories. We got to draw four different monsters and pick one to write about. We got to write a rough draft for each section. The teacher would correct it and we would have a conference with her and re-write it. When we were finished we would re-write it on special paper.

by J.R.


C.R.A.S.H comes on a Friday of every week. C.R.A.S.H is a fun activity for students if they turn their work in. If they don't turn in their work they stay back from crash and go to study hall. The categories for C.R.A.S.H are usually a Art Project, Sport Activity, sometimes another Art Activity (depending on if there is a holiday that week or month), and Study Hall. Students can choose to go to Study Hall to read or color/free draw.

by Gunnar